Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Here is a list of new definitions for familiar terms that I got via a nice email. Enjoy it:

School: A place where Papa pays and Son plays.

Life Insurance: A contract that keeps you poor all your life so that you can die Rich.

Marriage: It's an agreement in which a man loses his bachelor degree and a woman gains her masters.

Divorce: Future tense of Marriage.

Lecture: An art of transferring information from the notes of the Lecturer to the notes of the students without passing through 'the minds of either'

Office: A place where you can relax after your strenuous home life.

Conference: The confusion of one man multiplied by the number present.

Conference Room: A place where everybody talks, nobody listens and everybody disagrees later on.

Dictionary: A place where success comes before work.

Compromise: The art of dividing a cake in such a way that everybody believes he got the biggest piece.

Father: A banker provided by nature.

Criminal: A guy no different from the rest; except that he got caught.

Boss: Someone who is early when you are late and late when you are early.

Politician: One who shakes your hand before elections and your Confidence after.

Philosopher: A fool who torments himself during life, to be spoken of when dead.

Doctor: A person who kills your ills by pills, and kills you by bills.

Nurse: A person who wakes u up to give you sleeping pills.

Classic: Books, which people praise, but do not read.

Smile: A curve that can set a lot of things straight.

Etc .: A sign to make others believe that you know more than you actually do.

Committee: Individuals who can do nothing individually and sit to decide that nothing can be done together.

Experience: The name men give to their mistakes.

Atom Bomb: An invention to end all inventions.

Friday, August 10, 2007

آه يا بلد المكرونة

أسرة من الأسر الكادحة البسيطة التى تجاهد لتحيا ليس للأرتقاء بمستوى معيشتها لأنها لا و لن تستطيع في هذا العصر المصرى الذهبى و لكن لتحيا. هذه الأسرة تعتمد بشكل يكاد يكون أوحد على طعام واحد فقط ألا و هو المعكرونة لأن هذه الأسرة لا تستطيع أن توفر حتى ثمن دجاجة أو حتى جزء منها و لن أقول اللحم لأن هذا حلم بعيد المنال أشبه برؤية الغول أو العنقاء- فالكل يعلم أن المعكرونة من الوجبات القليلة التى لا تحتاج الى الشوربة الناتجة من كافة أنواع اللحوم. المهم نصيب كل فرد من أفراد هذه الأسرة فى الوجبة الرئيسية لا يتعدى بعض الحبيبات حتى يوفروا قوت الغد وليصمد كيلو المعكرونة لأطول وقت ممكن. و هكذا تستمر دوامة الحياة بهذه الأسرة و بغيرها الكثير من نفس المستوى و الأقل و الأعلى

المفاجأة و الدافع الرئيسي لي لسرد هذا الموقف ليس فى طريقة الحياة القاسية انما طفل من هذه الأسرة عندما سئل عن الطعام الذى يتمنى أن يتناوله فكان رده ليس اللحوم أو الدجاج أو الأرز أو أي نوع من أنواع الطعام التى يسيل لها لعاب أى شخص و لكن كان رده بكل بساطة

" المكرونة" فهذا الطفل رغم أنه مجبر أن يتناول هذا النوع فقط لم يتمنى أى نوع آخر و لكنه تمنى فقط أن يشبع جوعه و لو لمرة واحدة منها, تمنى أن يأكل المعكرونة بدون حساب للكمية بعيدا عن الحبيبات القليلة التى تقدم له كل يوم.

فهل يا ترى سيحقق حلمه ذات يوم؟؟؟

Sunday, May 13, 2007

FCI Tag ( Disoky & Nabil )

Q1. List five things you learnt in FCI -not Technical?


i) Social Behaviors Were Improved.
ii) Mind-Enhancement.
iii) How To Feel The Pains Of The Other People.
iv) How To Hate People Who Deserve To Be Hated.
v) Judge On A Person From The First Interaction May & May Not Be true. But Mainly Will Be True.

Q2. Five things you will miss in FCI?


i) FCI People I Know.
ii) Calling FCI il Ma5rooba.
iii) The Metro.
iv) FCI Day.
v) Faculty Life In General.

Q3. Best day in FCI Helwan?

A3. Results Of The First Semester Of The First Year.

Q4. Worst day?

A4. Presentation Of The Graduation Project Day.

Q5. Best week?

A5. I Do Not Think That I Had Passed By A Complete Sequence Of 7 Days ( Generating A Week) That Can ,Deserve, Be Called Best Week. Or I May Passed With But I Do Not Remember Right Now.

Q6. Best doctor, course, book, project?


i) Best DoctorS: Dr. Ahmed-El-Garhy, Dr. Sayed Abd-El- Gaber, Dr. Muhammad Belal, Dr. Aliaa Youssif.
ii) Best CourseS: Introduction To CS, Data Structure, Maintenance, System Analysis, OR, Simulation, & Discreet Math.
iii) Best Book: Maintenance Book.
iv) Best ProjectS: DX-Ball, DirectX, Software Packages, & GP.

Q7. Worst doctor, course, book, project?


i) Worst DoctorS: Dr. Ahmed Sharaf.
ii) Worst Course: Data Base.
iii) Worst Book: Image processing.
iv) Worst Project: OS & MFC.

Q8. Best instructor?

A8. Best InstructorS: Mr. Ehab, Mr. Amr, Miss Shaimaa Azzat.

Q9. Best situation?

A9. Every Happy Day @ FCI Or A Day That I Helped Anyone.

Q10. Did you meet your sweet-half in FCI?

A10. No, A Wish That Came True.

Q11. Did you regret for knowing someone in FCI?

A11. No & Never.

Q12. What was your favorite place in the faculty?

A12. In Front Of Hall 1 ( ta7t il sabooora )

Q13. What is the size of our digital photos on your hard disk?

A13. Basically 0 Bytes, But For The Fact That Last Year, It Is Nearly 300 MB, & Getting More.

Q14. What will you do in the last day?

A14. I Hope To Get Rid Of My Boundaries & Fly With My Friends.

Q15. What would you like to say to dof3tnaa?

A15. Salam Ya Ahla Dof3a Wi isA Mayib2ash il Wada3.

Q16. What would you like to say to other grades -aldof3at altanya- ??

A16. Depend On Your Self, Help Who Needs Help, & Do Not Be Open-Minded With Every One You See @ FCI. Finally, May God Be With You. (into da5leen 3ala ayam soooda, wi illi gay 2aswad min illi rah)

Q17 . What would you like to do if you found the today's date is 2003-ya3ny lo reg3t lesnah ola bel3fyah ?

A17. Arrange My Priorities. But No-Way, FCI FCI FCI 4Ever.